The Dream Cube – Shanghai Corporate Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 The reason I have spent a quarter of the last 16 months flying between Shanghai and New York is now open and featured in a post in the New York Times. Photo Credit: Basil Childers Check out some other links as well […]
WNYC does a Take Away on Brooklyn Hackers
Check out the O-Schneider family on the front page of the New York Korea Daily!! The article talks about how we celebrate the Korean holidays (yesterday being Choo Seuk) and how I ended up being involved in Korean culture. Article as PDF: USA 중앙일보중앙방송.pdf
Interpretation through interactive Exhibits
An interesting article by Marjorie Schwarzer published in Museum News
Method of Loci: Perhaps the future of the desktop once three d gets good enough…. You see that the Mac Leopard system is already sporting 3D effects so we are moving towards using 3D to remember location and organization. Story: Friend goes on trip to some big famous mountain and is retelling the adventure to […]
The Canadian Heritage Institute has an interesting (slightly old 2004) article about PDAs in the museum environment also see the links at the bottom of the article This is a particular useful article on design process for PDAs What are PDAs? Web Delivery for PDAs Repurposing Content for PDAs Wireless Networks SMS and MMS Web […]