Museums and PDA


The Canadian Heritage Institute has an interesting (slightly old 2004) article about PDAs in the museum environment

also see the links at the bottom of the article

This is a particular useful article on design process for PDAs

  1. What are PDAs?
  2. Web Delivery for PDAs
  3. Repurposing Content for PDAs
  4. Wireless Networks
  5. SMS and MMS
  6. Web Browsers for PDAs
  7. Multimedia Content Delivery
  8. PDAs and Museum & Cultural Sector Usage
  9. Trends
  10. Interactivity and Visitor Experience: Implementing a PDA Application for Exhibition Spaces
  11. PDA Aesthetics and Interface Design
  12. PDAs and Income Generation
  13. PDAs and Visitor Evaluation
  14. PDAs as Learning tools
  15. Accessibility
  16. PDAs and Usability
  17. PDAs and Community Building
  18. PDA Resources
  19. PDA technology in the cultural sector: A Bibliography
  20. Glossary

The bibliography offers a number of interesting articles and researchers working on the problem of integrating PDA type augmented reality into exhibitory

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