Washington Square Park Team: Mockup Plan Report
(Datrianna, Nic, Shixiao and Somin)
Washington Square Park Team: Mockup Plan Report
(Datrianna, Nic, Shixiao and Somin)
Filed under Final_Mockup_plan
You can view our presentation here.
(Emily, Josh, Jess and Sun Young)
Filed under Final_Mockup_plan
Team: Marcelo, Carrie, TingTing, JungJoon, Rachel
Filed under Final_Mockup_plan
Our Mock Up Plan deck can be found here.
(Team Highline with Debbie, Anupma, Max and Karen)
Filed under Final_Mockup_plan
This is your week to do your first prototype.
Get out there and start testing.
Remember that this is the moment of Development so you should be thinking about ways that your prototype can be a sandbox for figuring out new ideas and iterating on improving on your original idea. Plan documentation before you go out to run your first test. Be ready to present your documentation back to the class. Post it under the category Projects – Final_Prototype1
Filed under Weekly Assignments
Assignment – Define: Review all of your discovery information as a group. Start to make some drafts of your creation mythology. Create a clear set of goals that the group agrees on (bring joy to the space, or connect the space to the people moving through it…). Each person in the group bring one idea to the table that satisfies these goals. Chose one idea and figure out the method of engagement and plan a way to test this idea. Create clear goals for the mockup that state the different aspects that you are testing. Put all of this information into your mockup plan Report and post it to the Blog under Final – mockupPlan
Filed under Weekly Assignments
Our research presentation can be found here.
Filed under Final -Discovery, Uncategorized
Hello, friends! Check out our slides.
Filed under Final -Discovery, Uncategorized
Our presentation can be found here.
Filed under 49ers Final Presentation